Sirens are mythological sea creatures belonging to
legends and folklore. Originally, in classical antiquity, they were represented
as hybrid beings with the face or torso of a woman and the body of a bird that
inhabited a rocky island; from the Middle Ages on, they acquired a fish-like
appearance: beautiful women with fish tails instead of legs that lived in the
depths. In both cases they were attributed an irresistible melodious voice with
which they madly attracted sailors.
Within the
framework of classical mythology, mermaids are slightly diffuse creatures due
to the remote background of their origin, probably linked to the world of the
dead. They were beings with the body of a bird and the face or torso of a
woman, exactly like their relatives the Harpies, possessed of a prodigiously
attractive and hypnotic musical voice with which they bewitched sailors who
passed by their shores and led them to death. Tradition had them inhabiting a
rocky island in the Mediterranean off Sorrento, on the coast of southern Italy.
to legend, if a man can resist the voice of a mermaid, he must die. Being
ignored and defeated, the beautiful creatures lost their gift and fell to the
bottom of the sea.
There are
different beliefs about these mythological creatures, some people or scientific
researchers deny the existence of these creatures, and there are always many
doubts, there are videos, magazines and even advertisements that believe in
this, but the question is, are they real?, why would someone invent something
like this?, will they ever come to light?
We will not
always have the answers, but what if they really existed, other mythological
creatures besides sirens, dragons, giants, giant snakes, giant animals, all
that could be real, having that hope fills anyone's curiosity. People do not
always believe, but something important is that sometimes you must disconnect
your mind for a minute and question some things, have the initiative and let
your imagination fly. I am very passionate about these topics, they are things
that you should investigate, just based on your opinion, they are very fun and
intriguing topics of conversation, they are things that not everyone shares,
but knowing that there is something beyond what is real is fascinating.
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